I am a wife & mom. I have been running a business for over 20 years. I started my very first business back when I was in 4th grade and always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur. After being the first in my immediate family to attend a 4 year college and earn an undergraduate degree, I began my career in the insurance industry working for a large insurance brokerage for over 8 years.
I did well in my corporate career, moving up the ladder and earning pretty good money, but I wanted more. I wanted to be my on boss. Set my own schedule and be more in control of my day-to-day. Taking the leap in 2005, I made my side hustle of 2 years into my main hustle and started stuff4GREEKS. A few years later we launched Zeus' Closet and Deuce Equity Group. I also founded Monica Allen Interiors. Starting the Become Your Own Boss Podcast in 2020, I love helping other entrepreneurs launch, grow and scale their businesses.
My why are my kids, Imana and Legend. I desire for them to see me making my dreams come true and leave a legacy for them and many generations to come.
Being in the business that I am in has afforded me the opportunity to meet and speak to so many different people. Many are in corporate careers, doctors, lawyers, and entrepreneurs.
I find my joy in talking to entrepreneurs in my Atlanta retail store, Zeus' Closet. From being in business for years to just starting, I have always found their stories interesting and have always proceeded to ask 1000 questions.
I find that many of the challenges of entrepreneurship are the same. Primarily that it can be lonely if you don't have an entrepreneurial family or a group that understands your persistence through the ups and downs. Someone cheering you on!
I want to be your biz bestie. I want to be that cheerleader for you.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Invictus ~ William Ernest Henley